Globally known as the Duchess of York, this spunky and passionate “red-head” delighted fans at the Author Series on Wednesday. In addition to her charming tales from the heart, she spent about an hour signing books and posed for photo ops for all who queued up.
Category: Service
Newport Flower Show Reception
This is the story of how Newport Flower Show Opening Night Reception missed the mark. Any accountable and responsible event planner knows that their job is never complete until the last guests exit the event. On this occasion, whomever was “pinch hitting” for the Newport Mansions forgot to read the weather report.
British Motorcars to Audrain Motorsport
The love of motorsport and cars continued this past Sunday at one our favourite venues, Salve Regina! That’s where we met Ian and his Ford Model T. Dressed in period attire, this dapper gentleman is a wealth of information. Moreover, his engaging personality easily wins fans and friends.
War Dog RI Memorial
The War Dog RI Memorial will be the third installment, independent of the first two. The dates of the dedication is pending. The monument will have a permanent home at the Rhode Island Veterans Memorial Cemetery. It made its journey in November 2023.
London’s Air Ambulance Charity Black & White Gala Ball 2024
This is the story of the important life saving mission of the London’s Air Ambulance Charity. The Black and White Gala Ball is being hosted by international broadcaster Tania Bryer and television personality Mark-Francis Vandelli. The evening will include a live performance from Grammy-award winner Sister Sledge and an auction selling exclusive high-quality prizes.